Contact us : HELLO@UNIVIRTAR.IO +66(0)65 9966 598 @UNIVIRTAR
Bangkok Design Week 2022 at METABIRTH
Univirtar is an immersive virtual platform. We mainly concerns about user experiences. So our customer would immerse aesthetics and experiences of the show.
Univirtar is an alternative space which impossible possibles. With fully features multi-user system we can make the spectacular world we dream.
Get to know more
Brands can create relative avatar and promote to your clients.
Promoting event by photo snapping mode. Share the world your story !
Making society is the key to interact with other meta-s. No more solo !
Conversation makes relationship better. Chatting with any meta-s and have fun.
How nice to control stage, light, sound and effect on spectacular performances.
Trading system will make your life easier with money and money, or money and other stuffs.
Workshop, seminar or launching event can happen real time here.
Explore more features which suit your brands and products, to immerse your clients well.